A changemaker's guide to the future af Ditte Lysgaard Vind
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A changemaker's guide to the futureaf Ditte Lysgaard Vind & Anders Lendager

This is a changemaker's guide to the future. A book to read, to grasp, and to act on.

Our global population and resource consumption are on the rise. But with the current threats of climate change, we need to lower our emissions greatly. By combining circular economy with design, innovation and technology, we can live up to the growing demand without affecting our environment or livability negatively.

In our book on circular economy, we lay out the road-map for a regenerative society, and provide tools, examples and incentives to harness the extraordinary power of business as a source of good. Sustainability makes viable businesses – and viable businesses drive sustainable development. For us, it’s that simple.

The choice is yours.
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